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Combining sophisticated fast FLIM, confocal microscopy, and STED nanoscopy for live-cell imaging of tunneling nanotubes

Authors: Magalie Bénard, Christophe Chamot, Damien Schapman, Aurélien Debonne, Alexis Lebon, Fatéméh Dubois, Guénaëlle Levallet, Hitoshi Komuro, Ludovic Galas

Abstract: Cell-to-cell communication via tunneling nanotubes (TNTs) is a challenging topic with a growing interest. In this work, we proposed several innovative tools that use red/near-infrared dye labeling and employ lifetime-based imaging strategies to investigate the dynamics of TNTs in a living mesothelial H28 cell line that exhibits spontaneously TNT1 and TNT2 subtypes. Thanks to a fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy module being integrated into confocal microscopy and stimulated emission depletion nanoscopy, we applied lifetime imaging, lifetime dye unmixing, and lifetime denoising techniques to perform multi-plexing experiments and time-lapses of tens of minutes, revealing therefore structural and functional characteristics of living TNTs that were preserved from light exposure. In these conditions, vesicle-like structures, and tubular- and round-shaped mitochondria were identified within living TNT1. In addition, mitochondrial dynamic studies revealed linear and stepwise mitochondrial migrations, bidirectional movements, transient backtracking, and fission events in TNT1. Transfer of Nile Red–positive puncta via both TNT1 and TNT2 was also detected between living H28 cells.

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Cell-to-cell communication via tunneling nanotubes (TNTs) is a challenging topic with a growing interest. In this work, we proposed several innovative tools that use red/near-infrared dye labeling and employ lifetime-based imaging strategies to investigate the dynamics of TNTs in a living mesothelial H28 cell line that exhibits spontaneously TNT1 and TNT2 subtypes...
